Trumbull Canoe Trails

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jd455 04-12-2014 10:54 AM

i have a future beach fusion, dick's sporting goods doesn't have them anymore i think.. didn't think of getting a 1/2 skirt.. i'll have to look into that...

going to bring a go-pro (first time out for that) and regular waterproof camera too..

clipper1 04-12-2014 03:49 PM

Grand River Trip April 13,th
The River is at 4' and dropping, depending on what happens tonight, we should have 3' - 4' over summer water levels. The water temp is only 43 degrees, and the air temp is actually supposed to get to 73 degrees. That being said; the Grand can be challenging with those water levels, and people are going to get wet. As trip Leader, I insist that everyone will wear their "PFD's"...Three years ago we paddled the Grand at 5', and I realized after it was too late, that it was too high for absolute safety on a group level. Tomorrow, we stay together as a group and pay attention, we should be rewarded with a wonderful day with the conditions as they are. Everyone bring a change of clothes, and be prepared for a rain shower. Very much looking forward to getting on the water with my TCT mates, and I am hoping all will show at 10:30 to be on the water by 11:00 :32::32:

Fifthpig 04-12-2014 05:23 PM

well, despite putting in 7hrs (and counting (sigh)) for a work deployment today, I still have high hopes of being able to participate tomorrow. I'll have my PFD, skirt, change of clothes, and the overwhelming joy of finally being able to get out from behind my desk and have some fun !!!! This will be my first time on the Grand, I'm REALLY looking forward to it.

suram 04-12-2014 05:51 PM

I plan to be there as well.

jimbo 04-12-2014 06:33 PM

See everyone at 10:30!

BOBK 04-12-2014 09:13 PM

Add another kayak to the list...I'll be there too.

JPTolson 04-12-2014 09:17 PM

Sorry to say I can't make it tomorrow and it's killin' me. Hope everyone has a great time and I'll be eager to hear trip high points and low points.

clipper1 04-13-2014 07:46 AM

Grand River Trip April 13,th
Going to miss you JP, River dropped to 3.5 feet, 2.5 feet being perfect, and the sun is supposed to shine all day. Temps will be mid 70's, I have no idea how we got so lucky after our "Polar vortex winter from hell". We will not be needing an additional trailer as well, most paddlers can load at our end point at Masons Landing. Can't wait to get on the water! :32::32:

BOBK 04-13-2014 05:26 PM

I wanted to make sure that you got the real story of the Grand River trip John Paul, you know you can trust me. There were at least 45 or 50 kayaks and only one canoe...of course that belonged to our gracious host and fearless leader Rich. I think he only brought the canoe to carry the superb buffet he laid out for the group. Shrimp cocktail...steaks done to your get the picture. Speaking of pictures, unfortunately I don't seem to have any as proof. Guess you just have to take my word for it , JP.

JPTolson 04-13-2014 07:18 PM

uhhh...No doubt the need for kayak rescue vessels (aka 'canoes') on the trip will eventually leak out in spite of sinister efforts to suppress that news.:33::33::33:

Looks like it was a great day to be on the Grand.

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