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Old 04-06-2014, 08:12 PM   #3
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A small contingent from TCT enjoyed a beautiful day on the middle fork of Little Beaver Creek from Eagleton's Glen to Elkton. Ron Eells, Bruce and Diane Ambrose, and I ran what appears to be an infrequently paddled section of LBC. With the heavy rain on Thursday, I thought we would have close to a foot of water, but we had only about two to three inches. So it appears that paddling zero for this section is somewhere around 4.8 to 4.9 on the East Liverpool gage.

We had a good current most of the way with lots of class 1 rapids and twists and turns in the creek to keep us on our toes. There were three carries, one around the dam at Willow Grove Park upstream of Lisbon and two around trees in the water.

A low railroad bridge crosses the creek in Lisbon. This could be a serious hazard if one is paddling this section with a couple more feet of water, but it presented no problems today.

The upper four miles had the most uninterrupted nice scenery. There were LOTS of kingfishers along the entire trip and LOTS of great blue herons on the upper stretch, no doubt residents of a heron rookery that we came upon with about 20 nests at one spot. A few areas in and below Lisbon were a little trashy along the banks.

We pulled out at the Elkton access area around 4:00 p.m. after spending four hours on the river, grateful to be putting the winter behind us. We all stopped at Lock 24 Restaurant to re-live the trip, swap paddling stories, and grab a bite and brew. It was a great day to be on the river!

Ohhhhh! I almost forgot, BobK! All boats on the trip were canoes!

Last edited by JPTolson; 04-06-2014 at 08:23 PM.
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