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Old 04-11-2015, 04:04 PM   #5
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Wow, what a great day. Headed out of Warren at 8:00, and headed over to check levels on Deer Creek. Luck was with me, and it was at an absolutely perfect level.

I stashed the boat in the woods near the put-in, then left the bike in the woods at the top of the big hill, and drove back to the take-out. Then a mile hike up 300' to the ridge top, grab the bike and ride the next 2 miles (mostly downhill), and gear up creekside.

I brought the GoPro and got ready to use it - but apparently when I checked the memory card last night I LEFT IT TURNED ON!! And it was totally dead. Bummed me out, because I don't get out on this creek often.

Headed downstream, counting rapids along the way. I portaged the one rapid on the other side of the 'tunnel' because it had some trees snagged. But the rest of them were good to go. I counted 23 class II rapids along the way, with some really great opportunities to surf as well. The rapids are so close together, and fairly long (more like rock garden chutes than broken ledges) it seems like you're in whitewater the whole time. Next time it rains hard enough that the Slip gauge shoots up to like 3,000 cfs, put Deer Creek on your short list.

I took photos of the put-in and take-out - I'll put them on the TCT facebook page.

Steve Z

Last edited by swampboy62; 04-11-2015 at 04:07 PM.
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