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Old 09-23-2019, 04:53 PM   #11
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Default Big thanks to the Allens; paddlers gone astray!

Huge thanks to Rich and Patty Allen for leading a wonderful car camping and paddling trip on the Allegheny River last weekend. The weather, water, and scenery were terrific; the food was bountiful and delicious; and the paddling and campfire companionship, complete with a lively discussion of the cross bow draw, was great. It had to be a big effort for Rich, Patty and Dee Dee, who helped Patty with meals, to organize and pull off such a successful three-day car camping and paddling excursion. Everyone appreciated their outstanding efforts.

There were river trips on all three days at varying locations, each with a slightly different set of paddlers. The water level at the US Geological Survey gage in Franklin, PA, fell gradually over the weekend from around 3.9 feet on Friday to 3.6 on Sunday.

One trip that may live on in the annals of Trumbull Canoe Trails was the Saturday run. Nine paddlers in five kayaks and two canoes put in at Betts Park in Warren, PA, to run to Buckaloons, a distance of between five and six miles. After that we would see who wanted to paddle another 12 to 13 miles to Bonnie Brae access, a couple miles above Tidioute, PA.

At one point on the lower third of the trip to Buckaloons, Mary and JP, who were in the back of the pack, took a different channel between islands than the rest of the group. They chatted while enjoying the beautiful day and scenery but apparently were oblivious to things like bridges, boat ramps, and take outs! They began to wonder what happened to the other seven paddlers. Soon Mary's cell phone rang. It was Sue saying that the others saw Mary and JP ‘flying by’ the ramp at Buckaloons and that they had MISSED THE TAKE OUT! By this time the wayward paddlers were a mile or so below Buckaloons and fully committed to the run to Bonnie Brae whether they wanted to be or not! (Both later said they would have paddled to Bonnie Brae regardless.)

Not long after, Rich and Stan, in Rich's canoe, showed up to accompany the paddlers-gone-astray the rest of the way for a one-day paddle of close to 20 miles. Needless to say, this was grist for a big dose of good-natured guffaws, ribbing, jokes, and wisecracks when the aimless paddlers returned to camp later that afternoon and for the rest of the weekend and probably for every Buckaloons camper from now on!

Nevertheless, it was a great weekend and a great time on the river!

Last edited by JPTolson; 09-25-2019 at 09:04 PM.
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