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Old 07-11-2021, 01:39 PM   #7
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Default Many thanks for this trip

A big dose of thanks to Mike and Jessica for leading this trip down the Mahoning through Youngstown. As we were saying at the take out, this run is ALWAYS an adventure, and yesterday’s was no exception. It had a little of everything: carnage at each of the first three rapids; a lost paddle; a bald eagle sighting; several deer in the river; an excursion up the beautiful and somewhat eerie storm water runoff stone tunnels of Crab Creek; and Joel Beeghly standing on a bridge high above the river with a pizza, offering to deliver it via air mail to one of the boats below.

The three spills were good reminders that we are all “in between swims,” and how it helps to be with a group to aid in rescuing the paddler, boat, and equipment. And what good advice from Ken (see post above) of the importance of getting on your back with feet up and extended in front when out of your boat and floating through a rapid!

I believe we had 20 boats (four canoes and 16 kayaks) and 22 paddlers on a beautiful summer evening with temperatures in the low 70s and low humidity. The U.S. Geological Survey gage at West Avenue was in the 1.8 to 1.9 range. This was enough water to cover that pesky rock on river right through the rapids at Marshall Street Bridge.

Once again and as always, it was a great day on the river! This run is always fun!

Last edited by JPTolson; 07-13-2021 at 08:15 AM.
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