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Old 07-24-2022, 07:58 AM   #3
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Default Great Section of The Allegheny!

We had a great trip down the Allegheny River Yesterday. We had 10 paddlers in 10 boats. We had 3 canoes with 7 kayaks, 7 seven of these boats were occupied for the entire trip. Ed Ribuy’s way of counting canoes on a trip would have increased the canoe count when 3 people had to jump in my canoe to fight a head wind. Myself and 3 of my girls where at the launch in Oil City at 8:45 the bookends stayed home to help Mom(Addie the oldest, Hope the youngest “bookends”). We strung up hammocks on the canoe trailer and waited the arrival of other paddlers. Jodi, Mark, Steve and Levi(his first trip with TCT) began showing up. We moved all their boats to my trailer and headed for President in my car leaving their 3 cars at the take out. Once in President we met up with Bob and Millie. We unloaded and launched at 10:15. We proceeded down this beautiful section of the Allegheny enjoying the views of the trees, mountains, and wild life. At least 3 eagles were seen on this trip. We encountered a few swift water spots that made for some fun paddle maneuvers. About half way into the trip we could see our island lunch destination. Burt Martin and I camped on this island a few years ago when we did a 2 night paddle down the Allegheny. So my girls and I paddled over to see the camp spot while everyone else headed to the end of the island. Once we saw the camp spot the girls tied up their boats to mine and we floated in our life jackets the 400 yards to the end of the island. We all had a nice lunch telling horror stores of trips on the Shenango River. Once back on the water after lunch the “agony” lived up to its name a bit with a head wind that made paddling a little tiring. We made it through it and the beauty of the location made it worth it(At least I hope people think so). The girls and I made a quick stop at monkey rock to look around. There is a very nice camp spot on top the the rock we will have to camp on sometime. Once back on the water, about 500/600 yards down river Eme tells me she forgot “mom’s” hat on monkey rock so back up river her and I paddle in my canoe to retrieve the hat. The trip ended with everyone having a FUN run through the Oil City Rapids. Lena and I took our canoe up river for a second run. They were Stoney but so much fun. See facebook, Bob Lewis posted nice pictures of the day. Once at the take out Levi was able to load on his car and head out. Jodi, Mark, Millie and Bob’s boats were put on Mark’s trailer and with me in the car as well we headed back to President. Unfortunately there was a parade in Oil City which made the shuttle back to our cars take much longer than it should have(sorry guys). I got my car back to Oil City where Jodi waited patiently with my children. Once Mark transferred Millie and Bob’s boats to their cars he picked Jodi up and the 6 of us enjoyed Ice Cream in Franklin on the way home. Life is meant to be enjoyed with nice activities and good people. We achieved both yesterday. Dustin
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