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Old 04-14-2019, 01:41 PM   #4
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Default Re-entry is HARD!

My experience is... Getting back into your kayak is hard AND exhausting! You need to do a pool (or warm lake) session to find out just how difficult it is.

A few years ago K & C took our 10ft Prodigys to Akron U. pool to practice. There were two (young and fit) certified kayak instructors on lifeguard duty. They watched us TRY to get back in by sliding up over the rear of boat. They both entered the water to show us how it was done. Neither one could do it with our kayaks as the boats sit high in the water AND they have rear bulkheads with large air pockets. They did instruct us on doing an "assisted" re-entry. We each re-entered 3 or 4 times and by then we were pretty well exhausted.

When we first got our Hurricanes we went to Nimisila Res. to try re-entry. We could do it but it took several tiring attempts before we got in. I also made up a paddle float and a stirrup to try for a solo re-entry. Only a paddle float didn't work but with the paddle float and the stirrup I was able to get back in my boat without assistance. It took several attempts... also very tiring. Cheryl, being shorter, did not have much luck.

When TCT did a pool session two years ago we took the Hurricanes and had similar results. Assisted re-entry works but is strenuous. The paddle float and stirrup works (for me) but it takes much (and probably regular) practice.

I am certainly not an expert but have some observations...

__Some extra rigging -might- help to get a grip on your boat but the real problem is that a 28-30" wide Rec kayak is too wide to reach across and get a hold of. Some of those sea-kayakers you see on YouTube have boats that are narrow and are only 3" above the water. My two kayaks float 8-10" high so are hard to reach over. Those people you see have practiced a lot!
__Floating in water over your head with a life vest on makes it hard to swim and greatly hinders your attempt to get back into your boat.
__Even IF you are able to re-enter in warm calm water go try it with wind and waves or wakes and see what happens.
__If water is cold...all bets are off of a re-entry. Grab your boat and paddle and start swimming to shore.
__I highly recommend a pool or lake practice session to find out how hard re-entry really is. It's a valuable learning experience.
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