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Old 03-26-2021, 11:07 PM   #4
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When you go looking for your vest try them on. For all weather paddling I use a vest that actually will let air blow through it. My first couple did not. In warmer weather I would sweat and be tempted not to wear one. But my personal rule is ALWAYS wear your vest. You can get a decent one for under $100 most anytime.

As for your paddle try a few. But DON'T follow the old guideline of length to height rules. The newer standards concentrate on whether the BLADE will make good contact using your preferred style. Some paddle with a deeper stroke (me) while others are going shallow. Then there is the width of your kayak and how high your side obstruction is. A sit in with a higher wall will need a longer paddle. A short wall can use a shorter length and still bury the blade. I have a sit on top and need a bit longer. Someone with sot with the chair type seat may need even longer. Better paddles will weigh less, be stronger and let you paddle a longer day with less effort.

Come out to a club paddle and most anyone will let you try what they have. It will always come down to what you like. After all, you're buying it not me.
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